About Me

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Hi! So I'm a total noobie when it comes to blogging, so bear with me because this is going to be a work in progress (duh, aren't all blogs a work in progress?) Anyway, I'm a 22 year old college student finishing my last semester of my undergraduate degree. I'm starting this blog for a class but I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it so much I'll keep up with it long after. But enough about me...onto the blog!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Real Problems

I love Mattie, but man is she having some real problems right now. The steroid injection she was given last week has caused her to have a few episodes of incontinence and I've come home to find her backside wet from her own urine. This is really bad because I'm renting this apartment and whatever damages occur as a result of Mattie, whether the be her fault or not, are my responsibility. I'm worried that if she can't regain control of her bladder soon I'm going to lose my security deposit. Luckily, my roommate has a crate that is large enough for her to sleep in, but I really hate putting her in there at night and when I go to class. She looks so depressed when she accepts that she's going to have to stay in that little space for a long time. She usually lays down and lets out a huge sigh.

On a related note, the steroid injection is also making her hungrier. I felt bad for not being able to pay much attention to her last week, so I sort of tried to appease her by giving her a little extra food. Maybe "a little" isn't exactly the right phrase... the vet's scale said she had only gained about a pound, but she looks a lot fatter to me. Maybe it's just because her hair is growing out again and getting fluffy. Now that I cut back her food again, she's been acting up when we go for walks. She darts ahead, yanking me with her, to sniff out anything she sees on the ground in hopes that it's edible. I don't like her eating things off of the ground outside because you never know what she's eating and if it's somehow toxic. 

Oh, Mattie...what are we going to do with you? Keep on keeping on, I guess, because you certainly are here to stay :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. What was that movie about that dog? Mattie sounds a little bit like that. Maybe you can write a best-selling book about her and become famous? Okay, just thinking out loud...
