About Me

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Hi! So I'm a total noobie when it comes to blogging, so bear with me because this is going to be a work in progress (duh, aren't all blogs a work in progress?) Anyway, I'm a 22 year old college student finishing my last semester of my undergraduate degree. I'm starting this blog for a class but I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it so much I'll keep up with it long after. But enough about me...onto the blog!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All About Jada

In my very first blog entry, I mentioned my ex-boyfriend's dog, Jada, who really had a huge impact on me.  I loved being able to play with and love on Jada so much that I decided to make a huge commitment and adopt a dog of my own.  I've recently been spending some time with my ex-boyfriend and his friends at his house so I've been around Jada again. It's amazing how different she and Mattie are. To help anyone who's keeping up with this blog to really understand what I mean by that, I'm writing an entry ALL ABOUT JADA!

So first of all, she is a brindle-colored American Staffordshire Terrier.  She loves being taken to the Quad to play fetch with her red Kong ball, and she has eyes for nothing else when that ball is around. Jada is a high energy dog, so an hour on the Quad with that ball is a good way to get her to unwind a bit. I'd say her second favorite way to play is to wrestle. She's pretty tough, and definitely stubborn, but she's incredibly obedient to her two owners, Leon and Chris (my ex-boyfriend and his roommate/good friend from home).  I think it's pretty interesting that she listens to each of them equally as well because I guess I was under the impression that dogs sort of take to one master and only fully obey that one person.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Jada, and I actually have to run now, but I'll finish talking about Jada in my next entry!

She curls up quietly and naps on the couch whenever people aren't paying attention to her.

sorry they're kinda blurry. she just wouldn't sit still for me!

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