This morning I took Mattie to the vet for the second time, thinking I was just going in to get her booster shots on the vaccines we got for her last time. Instead, she got a steroid injection for her skin allergies and we have to go back in a week to get the booster shots. I'm pretty upset because I had no idea that skin allergies were so serious and that they would require so much to fix. If we can't figure out what exactly is causing the allergies and make the necessary changes, poor Mattie will have to get steroid injections every 3-6 weeks. This is an expense I certainly didn't anticipate upon deciding to get a dog (along with the vaccines and possible spaying operation).
The good news is, the vet could at least tell me that she is not currently going into heat. This is a huge relief, because if she were going into heat I would have a lot more to worry about than I already do. I'm going to wait to get her spayed, because the expenses are adding up and I don't want to pay the money to have them open her up just to find out that she has already been spayed.
Other than all these worries an concerns, Mattie's been the best companion :-) I still don't regret adding her to our little household here. She greets me at the door every time I come home, and she's such a goofball that she can make me smile without fail. She makes me feel less lonely; I don't have to go to bed at night all alone and I don't have to wake up in the morning feeling alone either. She's my babygirl :-)
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